Estd. 1963 | NAAC Re-Accredited - Grade B+ (2016)

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Faculty Profile Dr. Tanmay Kundu

Dr. Tanmay Kundu

Designation : Assistant Professor

Qualification :; Ph. D

Department Name : Mathematics

Date of Joining : 13-12-2023

Email Id :

Award :

  1. Qualified CSIR-UGC National Eligibility Test (June-2014) (Mathematical Sciences)
  2. Qualified GATE-2014 (Mathematics)
  3. 1 st Position in M. Sc exam, 2013 (Applied Mathematics) & overall 3rd Position.
  4. Qualified JAM Exam-2012 (Mathematics)

Publications :

  1. Tanmay Kundu & Harish Garg., “A hybrid ITLHHO algorithm for numerical and engineering optimization problems”, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, (2022), Vol. 37 (7), pp. 3900-3980.https://doi:10.1002/int.22707. (IF. 8.993, SCIE, Q1)
  2. Tanmay Kundu & Harish Garg., “A hybrid TLNNABC algorithm for reliability optimization and engineering design problems”, Engineering with Computers, (2022), Vol. 38, pp. 5251–5295.https:// (IF. 8.70, SCIE, Q1)
  3. Tanmay Kundu, Deepmala & Pramod K. Jain., “A hybrid salp swarm algorithm based on TLBO for reliability redundancy allocation problems”, Applied Intelligence, (2022) Vol. 52, 12630–12667. (IF. 5.30, SCI, Q2)
  4. Tanmay Kundu & Harish Garg., “INNA: An Improved Neural Network Algorithm for Solving Reliability Optimization Problems”, Neural Computing & Applications, (2022). Vol. 34, 20865–20898. (IF. 6.00, SCIE, Q1)
  5. Tanmay Kundu & Harish Garg., “LSMA-TLBO: A hybrid SMA-TLBO algorithm with Levy flight-based mutation for numerical optimization and engineering design problems”, Advances in Engineering Software, (2022) Vol. 172, 103185. https:// (IF. 4.8, SCIE, Q1)
  6. Tanmay Kundu & Sahidul Islam., “Neutrosophic Goal Geometric Programming Problem and its Application to Multi-objective Reliability Optimization Model”, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, (2018), vol 20 (6), pp. 1986-1994. https:// (IF. 4.30, SCIE, Q1)
  7. Arun Patil, Kundu, Tanmay Kundu & Raman Kumar., (2024). Finite element analysis megatrends: A road less traveled. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, e22721. (IF. 2.9, SCIE, Q1)
  8. Tanmay Kundu & Sahidul Islam., “A new interactive approach to solve entropy-based fuzzy reliability optimization model”, International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, (2019), Vol. 13(1), 137-146. https:// 6. (IF. 2.10, ESCI, Q1)
  9. Sahidul Islam & Tanmay Kundu., “Neutrosophic Goal Geometric Problem-based Geometric Mean Method and its Application”, Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, (2018), Vol.19, 80-90. (SCOPUS Indexed, Q1)
  10. Tanmay Kundu & Sahidul Islam., “An Interactive Weighted Fuzzy Goal Programming Technique to Solve Multi-Objective Reliability Optimization Problem”, Journal of Industrial Engineering International, (2019), Vol. 15, 95-104. https:// (SCOPUS Indexed)
  11. Tanmay Kundu & Sahidul Islam., “Multi-Objective Fuzzy Reliability Optimization Model: A Parametric Geometric Programming Approach”, Journal of Fuzzy Set Valued Analysis, (2016), Vol. 2016, No. 3,174-184.
  12. Sahidul Islam & Tanmay Kundu., “A Generalized Intuitionistic Fuzzy Optimization Approach on Entropy based Multi-Objective Reliability Optimization Model”, CiiT International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, (2017), Vol 10, No 4, 92-98.

Others :

Book Chapters

  1. Tanmay Kundu & Sahidul Islam., “Application of Neutrosophic Optimization Technique on Multi-objective Reliability Optimization Model”, Neutrosophic Operational Research, Pons Publishing House / Pons asbl Quai du Batelage, 5 1000 - Bruxelles Belgium.

Paper presented at National/International Conferences

  1. Presented a Research paper titled “An Optimization Approach to Solve Airline Crew Scheduling Problem” at the International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications organized by the University of Kalyani, India on Feb 26-28, 2020.
  2. Presented Research paper titled “An Optimization Approach to Airline Crew Pairing Problems” at the 85th Annual Conference of the Indian Mathematical Society, An International Meet (IMS-2019), organized by the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India during Nov 22-25, 2019.
  3. Presented Research paper titled “Airline Crew Scheduling: An Optimization Approach” at the Second International Conference on Applications of Mathematics to Nonlinear Sciences (AMNS-2019) organized by the Association of Nepalese Mathematicians in America, Nepal from June 27-30, 2019.
  4. Presented Research paper titled “Neutrosophic Goal Geometric Programming Problem and its Application to Multi-objective Reliability Optimization Model” at the 84th Annual Conference of Indian Mathematical Society, An International Meet (IMS-2018) organized by the School of Mathematics: Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, India during Nov 27-30, 2018.
  5. Presented Research paper titled “Multi-Objective Fuzzy Reliability Optimization Model: A Parametric Geometric Programming Approach”, presented at 82nd Annual Conference of The Indian Mathematical Society (IMS-2016) organized by the University of Kalyani, India during Dec 27-30, 2016.


  1. Google Scholar: Click here.
  2. ResearchGate: Click here.

Reviewer of International Journals

  1. Reliability Engineering and System Safety (Elsevier)
  2. Quality and Reliability Engineering International (Wiley)
  3. International Journal of Operation Research (Inderscience)
  4. Ain Shams Engineering Journal (Elsevier)
  5. Opsearch (Springer)
  6. Journal of Computational Science (Elsevier)
  7. The Journal of Supercomputing (Springer)
  8. Journal of Computational and Cognitive Engineering, & many more