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Faculty Profile Sumita Chakraborty

Sumita Chakraborty

Designation : Assistant Professor

Qualification : M.A (History) B.ED; Mphil; Ph.D(Pursuing)

Department Name : History

Date of Joining : 01-11-2023

Email Id :

Publications :

1. Sumita Chakraborty (2020), “Shibnath Shastrir Nari Bhavna”, Aruna Publication, Kolkata-700009, ISBN: 978-81-943328-8-6.

Others :

Book Chapters in:

  1. Sumita Chakraborty (2017), “Signifying Values A Realm of socio-philosophical Understanding”, edited by Dr.Susmita Bhattacharyya And Sarmistha Mitra,  Levant Books 27c creek row, Kolkata 700073,ISBN:978-93-84106-86-7
  2. Sumita Chakraborty (2017), “Globalization and Education in Present Societal context”, edited by Nandita Deb, Kunal Books, Ansari Road,Daryaganj,,New Delhi-110002, ISBN:978-81-933224-4-4
  3. Sumita Chakraborty (2017), Exertion to Establish Knowledge society: Responsibility of Academic Libraries, edited by Dr.Sambhu Nath Halder, Shimurali Sachinandan College of Education, Shimurali, Nadia, west Bengal, ISBN:978-81-922902-9-4
  4. Sumita Chakraborty (2017), “Globalization and Education in Present Societal context”, edited by Nandita Deb, Kunal Books,  Ansari Road,Daryaganj,,New Delhi-110002, ISBN: 978-81-933224-4-4
  5. Sumita Chakraborty (2016), “Itihas o Sanskriti Second edition”, edited by Mayukh Das, Anchalik Itihas O Loksanskriti Charcha Kendra, ISSN: 2394-5737, ISBN: 978-81-926316-4-6.
  6. Sumita Chakraborty (2016), “Snithika”, edited by Dr.Debabrata Barai, The Booars Sanskit and Sanskriti Samitd,Assam university,silchar, Assam, Edition vol –ll,2016,ISSN:2454-2881.
  7. Sumita Chakraborty (……), Symbiosis Synthesis Syncretism(South Asia Through Ages), edited by Ashif Zamal Lasker and Dipanakar Biswas, Garia Suchintan Society for Culture,ISBN:9788194067238.
  8. Sumita Chakraborty (2022), “Sivnath Shastri’s Atmacharit: An Excellent Biography with Reflection on the Social History of the Nineteenth Century, Memoirs as History: Contextualizing Bengal” Department of History, University of Burdwan, Setu Prakashani,1St Edition, ISBN:978-81-953908-0-9.
  9. Sumita Chakraborty (2023), “Partition of India (1947): was It an Outcome of Fragmented Nationalism? Seventy-Five years of Partition and Indian Independence Social, Literary and Political Perspectives”, Platinum Jubilee Series, Avenel Press, ISBN: 978-93-94744-80-6.


Journal Articles:

  1. Sumita Chakraborty (2018), “…………………….”, JONERS: A peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary Research journal, Issue 6 vol-3 ISSN:2321- 0583.


  1. Sumita Chakraborty (2018), “History in Inter-relation between History & Biography: Exploring Nineteenth Century History in Sivnath Sastri’s Biography Ramtanu Lahiri O Tatkalin Banga Samaj”, The Quarterly Review of Institute of Historical, Vol.LVIII, ISSN-0033-5800,Nos.3&4.



  1. Sumita Chakraborty (2022), “Cultural Changes of Santal Women in Post-Colonial Period in South-West Bengal: An Overview”, Corpus Research Institute(CLIO) An Annual Interdisciplinary Journal of History, Supplementary Volume Vol.22 No.22 ISSN:0976-075




Seminar Presentations:

  1. “Partition of India (1947): was It an Outcome of Fragmented Nationalism?” Two-day National Level Seminar on “Seventy-Five years of Partition and Indian Independence Social, Literary an Two-day National Level Seminar Political Perspectives” Platinum Jubilee Series Organized by Fakir Chand College, Diamond Harbour, South 24 Pgs,3rd & 4th May 2023.


  1. “Major Agriculture Festivals of the Santals in SouthWest Bengal: A Select Study” One Day International Conference“Society & Culture of Bengal through the Ages” Organized by Garia Society For Studies of Marginal People (GSSMP) In collaboration with Department of History, Gobardanga Hindu College,Khantura, North 24 Pags,5th May 2023. (1855-1947)



  1.  “Ethnic Aspiration and the Political Struggle: A case study of the Santhals (1855-1947),One Day National Seminar on “Exploring Political Culture in South and South East Asia organized by the Department of Political Science, Kazi Nazrul University,Asansol, 30th March 2022.


  1.  “1857 Mahabidraha : Chintasil Bangali Bhadra Samajer Bhumika” attended the Fourth Annual International Conference 2018, “Indian Social Sciences & Humanities Congress 2018” organised by the Paschimbanga Anchalik Itihas O Loksanskriti Charcha Kendra; Madhyakalyanpur,Baruipur; on Collaboration with Asutosh College on 14th July & 15th July 2018.
  2.  “Importance of Library in Education” in UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Exertion to Establish Knowledge Society : Responsibility of Academic Libraries” held at Shimurali Sachinandan College of Education, Shimurali, Nadia,W.B. on 24th & 25th September,2016.


  1.  “ Rabindranather Itihas Chinta” attended the Second Annual National Level Conference in History oranised by the Paschimbanga Anchalik Itihas O Loksanskriti Charcha Kendra; Madhyakalyanpur,Baruipur; on Collaboration with Department of History, Surendranath College and Institute of Landscape Ecology and Ekistics on 2th April 2016 & 3th April 2016.


  1.  “Tradition and Modernization: values in Indian Society” in UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “ Signifying values- A Realm of Socio Philosophical Understanding” organized by Department of philosophy and Sociology Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis Mahavidyalaya, Bonhoogly, Kolkata, in collaboration with Haralal Mazumdar Memorial College for women,Dakshineswar on 9th and 10th December 2016.